Alusion series includes a consolle and occasional tables, the collection is expanding to include a coffee table and low and tall shelvings. Architectural Stabilized Aluminium Foam is produced by injecting air into molten aluminium to create bubbles, the shiny silver skin of the large cell is then removed to expose the cells underneath.The visual language of the table is other-wordly, it is reminiscent of a natural sponge with a spatial accent. Keeping in mind the frail state of our planet and the ever-growing garbage pollution Alusion is produced with up to 50% recycled content and the material is 100% recyclable. This extremely light material makes the pieces easily maneuverable. The series can be utilized for both indoor and outdoor use.

Dimensions: Consolle 120 cm x 40 cm H 80 cm  - 2.8kg/Low table 40 cm x 40 cm H 45 cm   - 1.2 kg/Low table 45 cm x 45 cm H 50 cm   - 1.5 kg

The collection has been presented at MDW 2018 and is available at Galleria Rossana Orlandi.

Hand made in Italy - Design by Francesco Meda + Sebastiano Tosi

